The first hologram in Kleindal was registered in July 2019. The lab will produce holograms no bigger than 60 x 80 cm.

  • Art holography.

Art holography is art, what else?


  • 2 January 2020

August Muth article in the art journal of MDPI

 “Material Light-In the Realm of the Photon”


  • Hologram of astronomical objects. 

Astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology are the seeds along with the surrounding big nature.


Green flash after the total solar eclipse, July 2nd 2019, near Condoriaco, Chile.

Milky way and Magellanic clouds, San Pedro de Atacama and Condoriaco, Chile.

Oil painting, 1990.

Idaho, August 2017Photo : B. Leskosec

Norway, March 2013.

Kleindal, June 6th, 20127.

Over China, 2015.

Green flash. Biarritz, March 20, 2009.

The Milky Way photographed in Kleindal last October.

“Optic” opal from Mezezo, natural photonics crystal. Diffracting like a Denisyuk.

“Les Sèves”, Madrid, 1992. Karas gallery/Ramon Benito.

“Les planètes” 1991.

“Les planètes”. Opera of Stuttgart. 1991.